Important Information

General Membership Meeting

LVPOA General Membership Meeting

Zoom Meeting link

We will be meeting in person and via zoom. The meeting will start at 1630. We will take a break at about 1700 and resume about 1830. Please do not participate while working in the units so not to interrupt operations.

General Membership Meeting Reminder


Zoom link for General Membership Meeting

We will be meeting in person and via zoom. The meeting will start at 1630. We will take a break at about 1700 and resume about 1830. Please do not participate while working in the units so not to interrupt operations.

General Membership Meeting Reminder


Public Safety Labor News

Officers’ Social Media Posts On Matters Of Public Concern Not Protected By The First Amendment

The Plain View Project, which collected Facebook posts and comments made by current and former police officers from across the United States, became publicly available in 2017. The database contained over 3,000 posts attributed to Philadel­phia police officers, 593 of which were tied to the plaintif

Montana Supreme Court Enforces Arbitration Award Reinstating Officer Who Failed Fitness For Duty Exam

Rhonda Staton was hired as a police officer by the City and County of Butte-Silver Bow (BSB), Montana in 2001, and she was promoted to de­tective in 2008. In 2017, she received a verbal reprimand for tardiness, and another in 2018 for refusing to investigate underage drinking at a football game. In

Challenge To Indiana Police Certification Decision Must Be Raised Through Proper Channel

In the summer of 2021, Deputy Sheriff R.L. and his wife attended a party together where R.L. drank and became angry. After they returned home, R.L.’s wife contacted friends and told them that R.L. was drunk and belligerent, having put her in handcuffs and threatened to arrest her. The friends notifi